detailed usage

using rovercode with a rovercode-web hosted somewhere other than

By default, when rovercode runs, it registers itself with But what if you want to try your changes to rovercode with Or with your local instance of rovercode-web (as described in the next section)? You can specify the target rovercode-web url by creating a .env file in your rovercode directory.

# first, navigate to the rovercode root diretory (same level as the Dockerfile), then
$ echo ROVERCODE_WEB_URL= > .env

When you start rovercode, it will register itself with

develop rovercode and rovercode-web on the same machine at the same time

Get, build, and bring up rovercode-web as usual:

$ git clone --recursive && cd rovercode-web
$ sudo docker-compose -f dev.yml build
$ sudo docker-compose -f dev.yml up
$ google-chrome localhost:8000

Get and build rovercode as usual:

$ git clone --recursive && cd rovercode
$ sudo docker build -t rovercode .

Set the url of the rovercode-web target to http://rovercodeweb:8000. You will see in the next step that this is the hostname that we assign to our local rovercode-web container.

# first, navigate to the rovercode root diretory (same level as the Dockerfile), then
$ echo ROVERCODE_WEB_URL=http://rovercodeweb:8000/ > .env

Finally, when you bring up the rovercode container, add a link flag to allow access between this container and your rovercode-web container.

$ sudo docker run -t --link rovercodeweb_django_1:rovercodeweb --net rovercodeweb_default --name rovercode -v $PWD:/var/www/rovercode -p 80:80 -d rovercode

docker-compose named it rovercodeweb_django_1, but notice that we used a colon to rename it simply rovercodeweb. This is necessary, because this becomes the hostname, and Django does not like underscores in hostname headers.

We also had to add a net rovercodeweb_default flag, because docker-compose put rovercode-web on its own network instead of on the default one. (If you’re curious, you can find its name using the command sudo docker network ls.)

rovercode is now running, and you can see that it has registered itself with your local rovercodeweb container by going to http://localhost:8000/mission-control/rovers. You can now select this rover in the mission-control interface, and rover commands will be sent to your rovercode container.

Attribution:DEIS blog post

detailed usage

using rovercode with a rovercode-web hosted somewhere other than

By default, when rovercode runs, it registers itself with But what if you want to try your changes to rovercode with Or with your local instance of rovercode-web (as described in the next section)? You can specify the target rovercode-web url by creating a .env file in your rovercode directory.

# first, navigate to the rovercode root diretory (same level as the Dockerfile), then
$ echo ROVERCODE_WEB_URL= > .env

When you start rovercode, it will register itself with

develop rovercode and rovercode-web on the same machine at the same time

Get, build, and bring up rovercode-web as usual:

$ git clone --recursive && cd rovercode-web
$ sudo docker-compose -f dev.yml build
$ sudo docker-compose -f dev.yml up
$ google-chrome localhost:8000

Get and build rovercode as usual:

$ git clone --recursive && cd rovercode
$ sudo docker build -t rovercode .

Set the url of the rovercode-web target to http://rovercodeweb:8000. You will see in the next step that this is the hostname that we assign to our local rovercode-web container.

# first, navigate to the rovercode root diretory (same level as the Dockerfile), then
$ echo ROVERCODE_WEB_URL=http://rovercodeweb:8000/ > .env

Finally, when you bring up the rovercode container, add a link flag to allow access between this container and your rovercode-web container.

$ sudo docker run -t --link rovercodeweb_django_1:rovercodeweb --net rovercodeweb_default --name rovercode -v $PWD:/var/www/rovercode -p 80:80 -d rovercode

docker-compose named it rovercodeweb_django_1, but notice that we used a colon to rename it simply rovercodeweb. This is necessary, because this becomes the hostname, and Django does not like underscores in hostname headers.

We also had to add a net rovercodeweb_default flag, because docker-compose put rovercode-web on its own network instead of on the default one. (If you’re curious, you can find its name using the command sudo docker network ls.)

rovercode is now running, and you can see that it has registered itself with your local rovercodeweb container by going to http://localhost:8000/mission-control/rovers. You can now select this rover in the mission-control interface, and rover commands will be sent to your rovercode container.

Attribution:DEIS blog post